The Admin Team: The Backbone of CDC-Namibia

Figure 1: Zebaldine Kandjou-Pakarae, CDC-Namibia’s Budget and Finance Specialist, has been supporting CDC-Namibia for over a decade.
Namibia has come a long way in its fight against HIV/AIDS. Ten years ago HIV/AIDS was taking Namibia by storm, with many individuals testing HIV positive with a concurrent AIDS diagnosis and without the necessary medicine and support to stay healthy. Today, thanks to the widespread availability of HIV testing and treatment, the prevention of mother to child transmission, and increased access to prevention interventions such as voluntary medical male circumcision, today Namibia is on the path to reaching an AIDS-free generation. Yes, Namibia has come a long way and we thank the doctors, nurses, technical advisors, health extension workers, and field officers who enabled this great progress. However, there are many other unsung heroes in Namibia’s fight against HIV. The countless individuals who have served in the background providing support to the technical teams as well as leadership quietly assisting in Namibia’s HIV response; the Admin Team.
We spoke with members of CDC-Namibia’s Admin Team to find out what makes them proud of their job and what has working at CDC-Namibia taught them about HIV/AIDS.

Figure 2: Hatutale Eliphas
Hatutale Eliphas (better known by his last name, Eliphas), joined CDC-Namibia’s office in Oshakati as a Field Coordinator in October 2014.
What do you think is your role, in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Namibia?
My main role is to coordinate HIV activities at a field level where results are observable.
What has your job taught you about HIV/AIDS?
HIV is real and beating it is achievable!

Figure 3: Andries Janse van Vuuren
Andries Janse van Vuuren, joined CDC-Namibia in October 2013, as the Information Technology Chief.
If you could mention one thing that makes you proud of your job what would it be and why?
In IT if the systems are purring like a kitten and everyone can do their work without any interruptions that is satisfaction enough for me.
What has your job taught you about HIV/AIDS?
That we are on the winning team and we CAN make a difference.

Figure 4: Ledor Igboh
Ledor Igboh, joined CDC-Namibia in September 2014, as an ASPPH Fellow working on Grants Management.
How do you think the Admin Team provides critical and essential support to the mission of getting Namibia to zero?
Admin has a key role in ensuring the country office conducts business as expected. The daily support provided by the admin team to the technical team is invaluable.
- Page last reviewed: August 31, 2015
- Page last updated: August 31, 2015
- Content source:
Global Health
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