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Web Statistics for August 2017 by Day

This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

Daily Page Views of CDC’s Office of Public Health Genomics Web site for August 2017

Date Selected Month 4 weeks prior 52 weeks prior
1. 676 491  792
2. 754  796  701
3. 784  968  650
4. 603  788  606
5. 446  565  421
6. 568  579  565
7. 1,205  893  698
8. 946  997  751
9. 882  911  739
10. 860  907  799
11. 601  704  666
12. 318  445  405
13. 482  668  419
14. 736  924  728
15. 1,118  977  716
16. 683  842  737
17. 674  856  900
18. 556  593  661
19. 380  482  372
20. 531  609  484
21. 741  831  861
22. 834  1,014  922
23. 889  821  863
24. 975  803  1,045
25. 667  503  1,108
26. 491  337  486
27. 484  546  616
28. 994  739  1,119
29. 1,084  676  1,066
30. 1,078  754  1,225
31. 1,049  784  1,352
Total 23,089  22,803  23,473


Current Web Statistics