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Chapter 4 - Navigating the evolving knowledge of human genetic variation in health and disease

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Human Genome Epidemiology (2nd ed.): Building the evidence for using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease

“The findings and conclusions in this book are those of the author(s) and do not
necessarily represent the views of the funding agency.”
These chapters were published with modifications by Oxford University Press (2010)

Marta Gwinn and Wei Yu

Figures 4-1
PubMed articles on human genetics and genomics, 1995–2008, ** and articles included in HuGE Navigator, 2001–2008 *.

Figure 4-1

* database queries August 2009.
** PubMed query: gene OR genetic OR genome OR genomic.

[A text description of this chart is also available.]


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Figure 4-2
PubMed articles included in HuGE Navigator, 2001–2008.* gene–disease associations and gene–environment interactions.


Figure 4-2

* database queries August 2009.

[A text description of this chart is also available.]