Principles of Prevention: Free Online Training

Instructor with students in classroom using computers

CDC’s Principles of Prevention is a free, online training that teaches the fundamentals of violence prevention.

In 2015, 17,1793 people were victims of homicide and 44,193 took their own life. In addition to the tremendous physical and emotional toll, violence has substantial medical, lost productivity, and other costs.

One way CDC is helping the nation prevent violence is a free online training that’s available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It’s called Principles of Prevention. The training—which offers continuing education credits through CDC—teaches the:

  • Key concepts of primary prevention,
  • Public health approach, and
  • Social-ecological model.
People working on computers

Principles of Prevention teaches the fundamentals of effective violence prevention methods.

Participants complete interactive exercises to learn to help prevent five types of violence:

Principles of Prevention is designed for those working to stop violence from ever happening. It helps professionals move from the problem to the solution. This course teaches the fundamentals of effective violence prevention methods and incorporates the growing body of research on what works.

The Principles of Prevention course includes:

  • Interviews with leading experts in the field,
  • Dynamic graphics,
  • Interactive exercises, and
  • Compelling storytelling that makes the case for violence prevention.