Information for Communities

Communities can promote the health, well-being, and social participation of people with epilepsy. Supportive communities (which may be towns, cities, counties, tribal areas, or similar) have many components, such as schools and day care facilities, housing units, health care facilities, business and industry settings; and community-based programs, coalitions, and organizations. Community leaders can strive to develop and promote lasting strategies that support people with epilepsy where they live, learn, work, play, worship, and age.
Learn how communities can assess how well their programs include people with chronic disease or disabilities, and how they can promote healthy living in places like schools and employment settings.
Community Health Inclusion Index
Some people with epilepsy identify themselves as having a disability. To be healthy, all individuals, including those with disabilities, must have opportunities to take part in meaningful daily activities. These opportunities may be determined by how inclusive a community is in helping people with epilepsy. For people with disabilities (PWD), this can include having access to affordable housing, transportation, employment opportunities, and social support.
The Community Health Inclusion Index (CHII) is an evaluation tool that can help community decision makers, public health professionals, and disability organizations
- Better understand the challenges PWD face to participate in physical activities and buy healthy foods.
- Learn how current programs that promote healthy living affect the health of PWD.
- Add to other tools that measure physical activity and healthy eating at the community level to assess gaps and needs.
- Develop and apply strategies to improve access to physical activity and nutritional programs, which may in turn bring about healthier lifestyles for adults and children with disabilities.
Learn more about the Community Health Inclusion Index.
Healthy Schools
For many children, epilepsy is easily controlled with medication. These children can do what other kids can do, and perform as well in school. For others, it can be more challenging.
Schools and school groups (such as parent teacher organizations or school wellness committees) can support students with chronic conditions to be healthy and ready to learn. Many schools offer health services and may have a full-time registered nurse or other health staff to help students with emergencies, as well as managing chronic health conditions. Some school districts may have school-based health centers that can deliver direct medical, dental, nutritional, and mental health services to students and sometimes their families.
CDC partners with the Epilepsy Foundation to develop and share free training programs for school professionals and students. Schools, parents, and organizations can promote and use these toolkits and training programs:
- Managing Students with Seizures for School Nurses. This training provides continuing education credits and is available online or in person. It teaches school nurses how to care for students with seizures and train other school staff.
- Seizure Training for School Personnel. This training provides continuing education credits and is available online or in person. It teaches school staff (teachers, office staff, bus drivers, and others) to recognize seizures, provide first aid, and understand how epilepsy may affect a student.
- Seizure Training for Childcare Personnel. This training teaches childcare providers how to recognize seizures and provide seizure first aid for young children.
- Take Charge of the Storm (for middle school-aged students) and Take Charge of the Facts (for high school-aged students) teach students about epilepsy and seizure first aid.
The CDC Healthy Schools Program also offers CDC school health tools and resources including evidence-based best practices guidelines and a tool to assist schools in self-assessment and planning health and safety policies and programs. For example, the School Health Index is an online self-assessment and planning tool that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs.
Epilepsy and Employment
Sometimes people with epilepsy need accommodation in the workplace. For example, flickering lights can be a seizure trigger. In this case, employers might accommodate this limitation by providing natural light or a glare guard for computer screens. When hiring a person with epilepsy, staff training can help to promote a positive and supportive work environment.
Employers can use the Job Accommodation Network Accommodation and Compliance Series to understand possible limitations, needs, and accommodations that people with epilepsy may have at work. These include accommodation ideas for
- Cognitive impairments.
- Motor impairments.
- Sensory impairments.
Information on the Americans with Disabilities Act is also provided.
Read the Job Accommodation Network Accommodation and Compliance Series brief, Employees with Epilepsy.
Mental Health First Aid Training
Many people with epilepsy also have depression or anxiety disorders. Community members who support people with epilepsy and their families can benefit from Mental Health First Aid Training. This evidence-based program can help people recognize mental health crises and learn how to connect a person to mental health care. Search for a Mental Health First Aid Training near you.
- Page last reviewed: April 14, 2017
- Page last updated: April 14, 2017
- Content source: