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Epi Info™ User Guide


How to: Opening StatCalc

  1. From the Epi Info 7 main menu, select StatCalc.
  2. Select one of the following calculations using the up and down arrow keys or click: Sample Size & Power, Chi Square for Trend, Tables (2X2, 2Xn), Poisson (rare event vs. std.) or Binomial (proportion vs. std.).
    • You can also select calculations by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard that matches the highlighted letter on the menu. If you select a calculation using the keyboard, the calculation appears immediately.
    • If you select the Sample size and power calculation, the following calculation options appear: Population Survey, Cohort or Cross-Sectional, Unmatched Case-Control.
    • Use the tab key or return key to move around the different cells available for data entry
  3. Enter data for each calculation type. Calculations are performed when you enter data...
  4. To modify values already entered, use the Tab key or click on the cell and enter the new information.
    • Right click and select the Print option in order to print the results.
    • Right click and select the Save as Image option to save a screen shot of your results as an image file.
