
Alumni stories and photos can be submitted to

Contribute to Today’s Public Health

Two EIS officers holding surveys on clipboards “My Epidemiology Elective at CDC was an enriching, diverse, and enjoyable experience. I spent the majority of my time in Atlanta, helping to research and write a report on the delivery of asthma care. I also had the chance to travel to Alaska to assist with an Epi-Aid outbreak investigation of group A strep among the homeless population. During my assignment, I was able to work alongside a variety of public health experts who were dedicated to public service and mentorship. It was an inspiring introduction to the world of applied epidemiology.”

Matthew Blum, MD (c)
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
2017 Epidemiology Elective Program

Respond to Outbreaks

EIS officer Alison Reindel with two dogs. “The Epi Elective program provides a great opportunity to advance knowledge and hands-on experience in applied epidemiology. During my time at CDC, I designed an introductory workshop session on epidemiology and outbreak investigations for teachers participating in the Science Ambassadors Fellowship program. I also participated in an Epi-Aid response as part of a multi-disciplinary team that investigated an outbreak of leptospirosis among dogs in Arizona and assessed its zoonotic transmission. Through diverse experiences, the program expanded my interpersonal and professional skills to better prepare me for a future in veterinary medicine.”

Alison Reindel, MAT, DVM (c)
University of Prince Edward Island, Atlantic Veterinary College
2017 Epidemiology Elective Program

Forefront of Epidemics

Molly Fitch standing in front of CDC Emergency Operations Center Sign “The CDC Epi Elective Program granted me the opportunity to pursue my interest in global vector-borne infectious disease control. In the fall of 2016, I worked with the Zika Epidemiology and Surveillance Task Force. During my work at the Emergency Operations Center, I helped review Zika diagnostic testing, shipping, data entry and reporting from the associated states, commonwealths, and U.S. territories.” 

Molly Fitch, MPH, DVM(c)
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
2016 Epidemiology Elective Program

Work With Experts

Alexandra Medley holding a dog. “For my epidemiology elective with the rabies department at CDC, I traveled to Haiti to assess various strategies for increasing rabies vaccination coverage in dogs, as well as field test an oral rabies vaccine. During our time in Haiti, we heard about two young boys who were dying from rabies after dog bites. The work I was privileged to do with CDC felt meaningful and important in light of such tragic but preventable deaths.” 

Alexandra Medley, DVM(c), MPH(c)
The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine
2016 Epidemiology Elective Program

The Future of Public Health

John Russow swabbing a pig's snout. “I had an amazing experience during the Epi Elective Program and will be recommending it highly to upcoming veterinary students. During my rotation, I assisted with an Epi-Aid. I assisted with nasopharyngeal swabbing of swine at an agricultural fair in Michigan where we were monitoring swine exhibitors for H3N2 variant (H3N2v) influenza using a new text based monitoring system in collaboration with state and local health departments. I felt strongly about applying to the EIS program coming into the Epidemiology Elective program, but it is an even stronger drive now, after seeing first-hand the various work being done.”

John Rossow, DVM(c), MPH(c)
University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine
2016 Epidemiology Elective Program

Become a Disease Detective

Group picture CDC Puerto Rico “Overall, I had an excellent experience during my Epidemiology Elective, both in Atlanta and in Puerto Rico. This has been one of the highlights of my medical education. Having been deployed to Puerto Rico to help conduct a household Zika cluster investigation, I was able to see the full scope of applied epidemiology in an outbreak scenario. This was no doubt an exceptional learning opportunity. I was thoroughly impressed with the professionalism and respect shown to me and to each of the colleagues I worked with. I am very grateful for having been given the opportunity to come rotate at CDC.” 

Juan David Lopez, MS, MD(c)
Florida State University College of Medicine
2016 Epidemiology Elective Program