Purchase Case Studies

The Public Health Foundation (PHF) distributes selected epidemiologic case studies as partners with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Copies of the case studies can be purchased from PHF by calling toll-free 1-877-252-1200 or visiting PHF’s online bookstore.

Computer-based Case Studies

The computer-based case studies can be purchased from PHF in CD format and include:

  • Botulism in Argentina
  • E. coli O157:H7 Infection in Michigan
  • Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas
  • Investigating an Outbreak: Pharyngitis in Louisiana

Classroom Case Studies

Three of the classroom case studies, consisting of an instructor’s and a student’s version, can be purchased in print format from PHF as a set:

  • Botulism in Argentina
  • Multistate Outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 Infection
  • Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas