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Applied Epidemiology Competencies

What competencies are essential for applied epidemiologists?

CSTE and CDC created the Competencies for Applied Epidemiologists in Governmental Public Health Agencies (Applied Epidemiology Competencies or AECs) in 2004. The goal of the AECs is to improve the practice of epidemiology in public health departments. The AECs are organized into eight skill domains, as follows:

  • Assessment and analysis.
  • Basic public health sciences.
  • Communication.
  • Community dimensions of practice.
  • Cultural competency.
  • Financial planning and management.
  • Leadership and systems thinking.
  • Policy development.

In addition, the AECs are organized into the following four different skill levels for practicing epidemiologists based on level of experience, knowledge, and job responsibilities: 

  • Entry-level epidemiologist or basic epidemiologist.
  • Mid-level epidemiologist.
  • Senior-level epidemiologist, supervisor, or manager.
  • Senior epidemiologist, senior scientist, or subject area expert.

Read more about the AECs on the CSTE and CDC websites.  

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