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Beyond the Data

Beyond the Data brings you “take home” messages for you to use in your practice, in your classroom and in your home.

Beyond the Data – Addressing the Unique Challenges of Opioid Use Disorder in Women

Dr. John Iskander and Dr. Mishka Terplan, discuss how the opioid epidemic is impacting women differently than men. Tune in to hear how women’s gender and biological differences need to be considered when providing care and recommending policy on federal, state, and local levels.

Beyond the Data — Overcoming Barriers to Medication Adherence for Chronic Diseases

Dr. Phoebe Thorpe and Dr. Larry Garber discuss why fifty percent of people with chronic illnesses stop taking their medications within one year of being prescribed. It’s hard to take your prescriptions when you can’t afford the price, have difficulty opening the pill bottle, or you hate the side effects. Some patients don’t believe their medications are helping them. Tune in to hear these reasons and others. Learn how research and technology, along with other successful options, assist patients in sticking to their medication regime.

Beyond the Data — Emerging Tickborne Diseases

Dr. Phoebe Thorpe and Dr. Bobbi Pritt discuss the problem of emerging tickborne diseases. Find out the types of ticks in your area and the types of diseases a tick bite can transmit. Learn the ABCs of how the prevent tick bites and what to do if a tick bites you. Tick bites can cause co-infections. Health care providers need to consider this when diagnosing and treating potential tickborne diseases. Learn about some of the treatment options and discover the important role Public Health plays in tickborne disease awareness.

Beyond the Data — National ALS Registry

Dr. John Iskander and Dr. Paul Mehta discuss the knowns and unknowns of ALS. Discover who’s at risk for developing ALS and the possible causes and outcomes of this fatal disease. Learn how the National ALS Registry helps to fund critically needed research and how it works to help researchers connect ALS patients to clinical trials. Persons with ALS can join the National Registry and take the ALS Risk Factor Surveys. Visit the ALS website to learn more.

Beyond the Data — Living with ALS

Dr. John Iskander and Becky Kidd discuss her life with ALS. Listen to her perspective of the National Registry, which she calls “essential.” Hear her frank, hopeful and heart wrenching reflections on what it’s like to have been living with ALS for the past five years.

Beyond the Data — It’s Loud Out There: Hearing Health across the Lifespan

Discover how hearing loss in the US is growing and how it affects young and older people alike. Protect your hearing with these tips and resources in an increasingly noisy world from Dr. John Iskander and Dr. William Murphy in this session of Beyond the Data. Visit to learn how to protect your hearing. Discover “How loud is too loud?”

Beyond the Data — New Frontiers in Workplace Health

Dr. Phoebe Thorpe and Dr. Ron Goetzel discuss how workplace health promotion can protect the health and safety of workers for workplaces of all sizes. Tune in to hear about CDC’s newest resource, the CDC Workplace Health Resource Center, that helps both small and large workplaces protect their employees.

  • Page last reviewed: January 24, 2017
  • Page last updated: January 24, 2017
  • Content source: