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Left to right: TaAnn Kabua, CNMI MCH Program; Dr. Phil Castle, Global Coalition against Cervical Cancer (GC3); Ralph Torres, CNMI Governor; Dr. Mona Saraiya, CDC; Ms. Joyce Songsong, CNMI NBCCEDP, Department of Health; Mrs. Margarita Aldan, CNMI Division of Public Health Services; Tony Yarobwemal, CNMI Division of Public Health Services.

Staff from CDC and the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) in Saipan, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Pacific Islands, February 2015.

Left to right: TaAnn Kabua, CNMI Maternal and Child Health Program; Dr. Phil Castle, Global Coalition Against Cervical Cancer (GC3); Ralph Torres, CNMI Governor; Dr. Mona Saraiya, CDC; Joyce Songsong, CNMI Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, Department of Health; Margarita Aldan, CNMI Division of Public Health Services; and Tony Yarobwemal, CNMI Division of Public Health Services.

Left to right: Dr. Virginia Senkomago, ORISE/CDC; Dr. Petra Tun, Gagil CHC.

Staff from CDC and the Gagil Community Health Center (CHC), Colonia Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, February 2015.

Left to right: Dr. Virginia Senkomago, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE)/CDC and Dr. Petra Tun, Gagil CHC.

Front row, left to right: Ms. Margaret Lefagochog, Yap Hospital; Ms. Martina Reichardt, NCD Program Yap. Back row, left to right: Dr. Aileen Tareg, NCD Program Yap; Dr. Virginia Senkomago, ORISE/CDC; Ms. Barbara Yarofalmathau, Fais Clinic, Yap.

Staff from CDC and the Primary Health Office in Colonia Yap, in the room where the radio net system that provides health information to 17 outer islands is operated (radio system to left of picture), February 2015.

Front row, left to right: Margaret Lefagochog, Yap Hospital and Martina Reichardt, Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) Program, Yap.

Back row, left to right: Dr. Aileen Tareg, NCD Program, Yap; Dr. Virginia Senkomago, ORISE/CDC; and Barbara Yarofalmathau, Fais Clinic, Yap.

Left to right: Dr. Stephanie Vachirasudlekha, CDC; Dr. Hilda Razzaghi, CDC; Dr. Rajesh Dikshit, India; Dr. Harish Shukla, India.

Staff from CDC and the Centre for Cancer Epidemiology, India, February 2015.

Left to right: Dr. Stephanie Vachirasudlekha, CDC; Dr. Hilda Razzaghi, CDC; Dr. Rajesh Dikshit, India; and Dr. Harish Shukla, India.

A woman in her twenties exploring a self-collection brush

Bernolia B. Seperal, a woman in her twenties exploring a self-collection brush, Colonia Yap, Federated States of Micronesia, February 2015.