Using the Healthy Aging Data

Data for Action

This Healthy Aging Data Portal is a compilation of several other reports published by CDC that are designed to provide data on key indicators and strategies for public health and aging professionals, researchers, healthcare providers, journalists, decision makers and others interested in older adult health. While the data are an essential element, they are intended to be used as a foundation for action. The following report sections provide context for the indicators, and suggestions on how to use the data to move forward.

Healthy People 2020:  Healthy People objectives have been implemented to measure the impact of prevention activities, encourage collaborations across communities and sectors, and empower individuals toward making informed health decisions. These objectives set specific targets to help guide states, communities, and professional organizations to identify, develop, and evaluate programs and policies that promote healthy aging.

Calls to Action: Recommendations to catalyze efforts and address critical opportunities and gaps.

State and Community Examples: Examples of how states and communities are using data for action.

Additional Resources:  Additional Web resources linked to Healthy Aging Data Portal topic areas.

This information can help to support:

  • Grant writing: The Healthy Aging Data Portal contains context and key statistics related to the health of older adults at the national, state and selected metropolitan/micropolitan levels, which can justify the need for proposed programs.
  • Program and strategic planning: State- and local-level data can be used to identify particular areas of need and target resources to the most urgent health issues.
  • Health news reporting: The introductory material in each hard copy report, indicator data, and supporting informational resources provide excellent background needed by journalists working at the national, state, and local levels.  Data can be used to highlight particular areas of need or success stories, and Spotlight Topics and State and Community Examples illustrate potential solutions.