Welcome to the NHANES Dietary Data Web Tutorial! The National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) developed this tutorial to meet the growing needs of NHANES dietary data users.
This tutorial is one of several NHANES Tutorials that have been developed to promote broader and more proficient use of NHANES data.

This tutorial was developed by our collaborators at the National Cancer Institute (NCI/NIH) based on NHANES data available prior to the year 2006. Please note that when new versions of SAS or SUDAAN are released, or updates are made to NHANES webpages and data files, this tutorial will NOT be updated accordingly. Therefore, when you use sample programs from this tutorial, please be advised that you will need to make modifications or changes to the SAS or SUDAAN sample codes in order to run them properly. If you have questions about this tutorial, please contact the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Applied Research Program.
Before you get started:
Check out the Dietary Data Tutorial Roadmap to orient yourself to the tutorial’s content.
Read the Introduction to find answers to frequently asked questions about NHANES dietary data and this tutorial.
Browse through the Logistics section to learn about the web layouts and templates used in the tutorial and find out the basic knowledge and skills you’ll need to use the tutorial.
Go to Technical & Software Requirements for information about what’s required to view the tutorials correctly and run the sample programs properly. This section also is the place to go if you need help with technical problems.
Learn about the tutorial's Objectives.
NHANES Dietary Data Tutorial Collaborators
Clicking these logos will take you to the collaborators' websites and you will exit the NHANES Dietary Web Tutorial.

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- National Center for Health Statistics
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Hyattsville, MD 20782 - 1 (800) 232-4636
- cdcinfo@cdc.gov