Keeping children and teens healthy and safe is always a top priority.Whether you are a parent, youth sports coach, school coach, school professional, or health care provider, this site will help you recognize, respond to, and minimize the risk of concussion or other serious brain injury.


brain injury basics icon

Brain Injury Basics

Learn how to detect, respond to, recover from, and help prevent concussions.

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Helmet Safety

Learn how to choose, fit, and maintain the right helmet for specific sports.

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Concussion Laws

Learn about Return to Play and other state, league, and organization concussion policies.

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Resource Center

Download free training and resources, check out videos and podcasts, connect with us, and more.

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Get Involved

You can make a big difference in educating your community about concussion and keeping kids and teens safe from this injury.

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HEADS UP Partners

Together, we can help kids and teens stay active and healthy by knowing the facts about concussion.