LPP Membership

The LPP Subcommittee provides ongoing expertise in the areas of laws, regulations, compliance and enforcement, policy and guidance, and analysis in lead poisoning prevention which the membership of the BSC does not possess. The subcommittee is comprised of experts in the fields of lead screening (including pediatric, older children and adult populations, in some cases); diagnosis, medical management and preventive medicine; environmental lead hazard detection, reduction and prevention; laboratory issues; surveillance, epidemiology and risk assessment; and occupational lead exposure. The subcommittee reviews and comments on the growing understanding of how the frequency and duration of lead exposures affect health and cognitive outcomes.


Matthew Strickland, BA, MA, MPH, PhD.
School of Community Health Sciences
University of Nevada - Reno


William Cibulas, PhD, MS
Deputy Associate Director for Science
National Center for Environmental Health / Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry


John G. Belt, MS
Chief, Field Services Section
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention
Ohio Department of Health

Elizabeth A. Colón
Childhood Lead Action Project
Parent Educator

Kim N. Dietrich, Ph.D.
Professor of Environmental Health
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Department of Environmental Health

Nathan M. Graber, MD, MPH, FAAP
Director, Center for Environmental Health
New York State Department of Health

Michael J. Kosnett, MD, MPH
Associate Clinical Professor
Division of Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Department of Medicine
University of Colorado School of Medicine, and Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Colorado School of Public Health

Jennifer A. Lowry, MD
Children’s Mercy Hospital
Division of Clinical Pharmacology and
Medical Toxicology

Mark A. Maddaloni, MS, DrPH
Senior Toxicologist
US Environmental Protection Agency

Patrick J. Parsons, PhD, Chem., FRSC
Chief, Laboratory of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry,
Deputy Director, Division of Environmental Health Sciences
Wadsworth Center
New York State Department of Health
