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Identifying and Training Partners and Stakeholders

Partners and stakeholders can provide essential support to building a safe ECE siting program. Identifying and training these groups can provide an effective strategy to sustaining and expanding the capacity of a program.

Identifying Partners and Stakeholders

Among the many potential partners and stakeholders for a safe siting program are the following:

  • ECE inspectors.
  • ECE licensing boards.
  • ECE owners/operators.
  • Local, territorial, tribal and state planning and zoning officials.
  • Local, territorial, tribal and state health department officials.
  • Local, territorial, tribal and state environmental protection officials.
  • Other stakeholders identified as part of the state safer siting program.

Chapter 4 contains a complete discussion about potential partners.


Table 6.1. Potential questions to discuss with your ECE safe siting partners and stakeholders

Partner/Stakeholders Questions
ECE program licensing agencies
  • Does the licensing agency reside at the state, county, or local level?
  • How frequently are ECE programs inspected? By whom?
  • How many ECE programs are licensed?
  • Are there any third party certifications for ECE programs?
  • Are there different categories of licensed ECE programs (e.g., family daycare, home daycare, child care facility, early learning centers, and child care center)?
  • Does an ECE program need local zoning approval?
  • What does a local zoning review process involve?
  • If /when an ECE program needs to come before a planning board for approval, what is required? What considerations are discussed?
Hazardous waste sites/contamination located near ECE programs
  • Does anyone maintain lists of ECE programs, hazardous waste sites, and other locations/facilities using hazardous chemicals to see if they are located near each other? Are the locations geocoded?
  • Do facilities using hazardous chemicals (e.g., nail salons, dry cleaners, auto body shops) receive inspections? How frequently do inspections occur?
  • How is a hazardous waste site identified, assessed, and remediated?
  • Do policies or regulations address proximity to potential environmental hazards when siting ECE programs? How is the policy or regulation administered? How is compliance demonstrated?
  • Have maps been compiled that indicate locations at risk for elevated levels of naturally occurring contamination, such as radon, arsenic, and asbestos?