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National Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposures

The Action Agenda

Historical Document

This Web site is provided by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) ONLY as an historical reference for the public health community. It is no longer being maintained and the data it contains may no longer be current and/or accurate.

Child holding a flower in a clean environment

The National Conversation’s vision is that chemicals are used and managed in safe and healthy ways for all people. The Leadership Council worked with the 6 project work groups and members of the public to create an Action Agenda. The Action Agenda contains clear, achievable recommendations, and aims to  help government agencies and other organizations strengthen their efforts to protect the public from harmful chemical exposures. The Action Agenda identifies  ways to

  • Protect Public Health by Preventing Harmful Chemical Exposures
  • Collect and Use Information on Chemicals and Population Health to Enable Effective Public Health Protection
  • Achieve a More Complete Scientific Understanding of Chemicals and Their Health Effects
  • Protect Health and Wellness in Vulnerable Communities Affected by Environmental Chemical Exposures
  • Strengthen the Public's Ability to Participate Effectively in Environmental Health Decision-making
  • Strengthen the Capacity of the Public Health and Health Provider Workforce to Address the Needs of People Exposed to Harm from Chemicals
  • Reduce Harm from Chemical Emergencies through Prevention, Planning, and Coordination

Our open, collaborative process worked to help ensure that the Action Agenda has broad support.

Looking to the future, the National Conversation also left in place a well-informed network of interested citizens, public health professionals, community leaders, and government agency employees, who can continue the search for solutions to protecting the public from harmful chemical exposures.

Addressing Public Health and Chemical Exposures - An Action Agenda [PDF, 1 MB]

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