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Principles of Pediatric Environmental Health
Table of Contents

Course: WB2089
CE Original Date: February 15, 2012
CE Renewal Date: February 15, 2014
CE Expiration Date: February 15, 2016
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The Child as Susceptible Host: A Developmental Approach to Pediatric Environmental Medicine
Cover Page

How Can Parents' Preconception Exposures and In Utero Exposures Affect a Developing Child?
How to Use This Course
How Are Newborns, Infants, and Toddlers Exposed To and Affected by Toxicants?
Why Are Children Often Especially Susceptible to the Adverse Effects of Environmental Toxicants?
What Are Special Considerations Regarding Toxic Exposures to Young and School-age Children, as Well as Adolescents?
How Does Toxic Exposure Cause Children's Disease?
Sources of Additional Information
What Are Common Sources of Toxicants to Which Children May Be Exposed?
What Are Factors Affecting Children's Susceptibility to Exposures?
Literature Cited
Why Do a Child's Age and Developmental Stage Affect Physiological Susceptibility to Toxic Substances?
List of Tables
Previous Section Next Section The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, 4770 Buford Hwy NE, Atlanta, GA 30341
Contact CDC: 800-232-4636 / TTY: 888-232-6348

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