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Beginning in January 2017, ATSDR will begin to take steps to streamline our website. As a result, Public Health Assessments (PHAs) and Health Consultations (HCs) preceding 2004 will no longer be available on our website. A list of documents that have been removed can be found in the "Archive documents" pdf below. To access PHAs and HCs published before October 1, 2004, please send a request to the ATSDR Records Center by phone: 770-488-0707 or email: We apologize for any inconvenience.

Archive documents PDF Adobe PDF file

6 Document(s) available for review

PHA Map of sites in the state of District of Columbia

**Not all documents are represented on the map due to incomplete address information**
NOTE: Sort table columns by clicking on Site, Type, Location, or Date in the table heading area. Downward facing arrows ( ↓ ) sort in ascending order while upward facing arrows ( ↑ ) sort in descending order. All dates are in (month/day/year) format.

District of Columbia

Site Name↓
(Click on Title to view document)
Type Location Date
Kenilworth Park Landfill Adobe PDF file [PDF, 622 KB]
South Side NE,
District of Columbia County
River Terrace Community Adobe PDF file [PDF, 623 KB]
District of Columbia County
River Terrace Community
Appendix A Adobe PDF file [PDF, 751 KB]
District of Columbia 
Spring Valley Chemical Munitions Adobe PDF file
Public Health Evaluation for the Spring Valley Community
[PDF, 980 KB]
District of Columbia County
Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Adobe PDF file
An Exposure and Health Effects Evaluation of Former Workers and Residents to Chemical Contamination at 4825 Glenbrook Road
[PDF, 5220 KB]
Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site (FUDS) Adobe PDF file
An Exposure and Health Effects Evaluation of Former Workers and Residents to Chemical Contamination at 4825 Glenbrook Road
[PDF, 2698 KB]

Some files require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe ReaderExternal Web Site Icon.

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