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In January 2017, ATSDR removed Public Health Assessments (PHAs) and Health Consultations (HCs) preceding 2004 as part of a website re-design.  The list of reports that were removed can be found here: Archive documents PDF Adobe PDF file

If you are interested in accessing an electronic version of these reports, feel free to visit this site: Web Site Icon
Then find the report by following these four easy steps:

  1. Copy and paste or type into either search field
  2. Select any of the circled dates in January 2017
  3. Click on the state of interest
  4. Select the document of choice

Should you continue having trouble accessing these reports, please send a request to the ATSDR Records Center by phone: 770-488-0707 or email: In your request, please use the full site name and date associated with the report you wish to access. The list of reports that were removed can be found here: Archive documents PDF Adobe PDF file

Find a Publication

For all other PHA’s and HC’s, please follow the directions below.

Find a Publication - Image Map click to retrieve publications from the state of Alabama click to retrieve publications from the state of Alaska click to retrieve publications from the state of American Samoa click to retrieve publications from the state of Arizona click to retrieve publications from the state of Arkansas click to retrieve publications from the state of California click to retrieve publications from the state of Colorado click to retrieve publications from the state of Commonwealth of Northern Marianas click to retrieve publications from the state of Connecticut click to retrieve publications from the state of Delaware click to retrieve publications from the state of District of Columbia click to retrieve publications from the state of Florida click to retrieve publications from the state of Georgia click to retrieve publications from the state of Guam click to retrieve publications from the state of Hawaii click to retrieve publications from the state of Idaho click to retrieve publications from the state of Illinois click to retrieve publications from the state of Indiana click to retrieve publications from the state of Iowa click to retrieve publications from the state of Kansas click to retrieve publications from the state of Kentucky click to retrieve publications from the state of Louisiana click to retrieve publications from the state of Maine click to retrieve publications from the state of Maryland click to retrieve publications from the state of Massachusetts click to retrieve publications from the state of Michigan click to retrieve publications from the state of Minnesota click to retrieve publications from the state of Mississippi click to retrieve publications from the state of Missouri click to retrieve publications from the state of Montana click to retrieve publications from the state of Nebraska click to retrieve publications from the state of Nevada click to retrieve publications from the state of New Hampshire click to retrieve publications from the state of New Jersey click to retrieve publications from the state of New Mexico click to retrieve publications from the state of New York click to retrieve publications from the state of North Carolina click to retrieve publications from the state of North Dakota click to retrieve publications from the state of Ohio click to retrieve publications from the state of Oklahoma click to retrieve publications from the state of Oregon click to retrieve publications from the state of Pennsylvania click to retrieve publications from the state of Puerto Rico click to retrieve publications from the state of Rhode Island click to retrieve publications from the state of South Carolina click to retrieve publications from the state of South Dakota click to retrieve publications from the state of Tennessee click to retrieve publications from the state of Texas click to retrieve publications from the state of Trust Territories click to retrieve publications from the state of Utah click to retrieve publications from the state of Vermont click to retrieve publications from the state of Virgin Islands click to retrieve publications from the state of Virginia click to retrieve publications from the state of Washington click to retrieve publications from the state of West Virginia click to retrieve publications from the state of Wisconsin click to retrieve publications from the state of Wyoming

10 most recently published documents

Click on Site Name to view document
Site Name Type Location Date
North Shore Drive Groundwater Contamination Adobe PDF file [PDF, 2636 KB]
Elkhart County, IN
Sherwin Williams/Hilliards Creek Superfund Site Adobe PDF file [PDF, 1599 KB]
Camden County, NJ
Industrial Pipe Inc Adobe PDF file
Ambient Airborne Exposures to Hydrogen Sulfide and Particulate Matter
[PDF, 1110 KB]
Belle Chasse,
, LA
Selma Treating Company Adobe PDF file
Hexavalent Chromium Contamination in Well Water near the Selma Treating Company
[PDF, 1234 KB]
, CA
Orlando Gasification Plant Adobe PDF file [PDF, 2716 KB]
Orange City, FL
Garvey Elevator Groundwater Contamination Site Adobe PDF file
Evaluation of the Vapor Intrusion Pathway
[PDF, 5770 KB]
Adams County, NE
Delphi Energy and Engine Management Systems Adobe PDF file
Letter Health Consultation
[PDF, 1115 KB]
Ben Hill County, GA
Circle Court Groundwater Plume Adobe PDF file [PDF, 1799 KB]
Willow Park,
Parker County, TX
Davidson Mill Asbestos Site Adobe PDF file
Evaluation of Davidson Mill Asbestos Site Soil Sampling Results and Public Health Implications
[PDF, 979 KB]
Mecklenburg County, NC 6/23/2017
Hemphill Road TCE NPL Site Adobe PDF file
Vapor Intrusion Investigation – September 2016 Sampling Event
[PDF, 1405 KB]
, NC

* Some files require Adobe Acrobat or Adobe ReaderExternal Web Site Icon.

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