ماؤنٹ جوئے اسکوائر
ماؤنٹ جوئے اسکوائر (انگریزی: Mountjoy Square) (آئرش: Cearnóg Mhuinseo) ڈبلن، آئرلینڈ میں جارجیائی دور کا ایک باغ چوک ہے۔
ماؤنٹ جوئے اسکوائر، جنوری 2010ء
بیرونی روابط
- Chapter VI of Dillon Cosgroves' North Dublin covering, Mountjoy Square
- DIT page concerning Mountjoy Square campus
- Mountjoy Square heritage summary page
- Description of Mountjoy Square in An Historical Guide to the City of Dublin Illustrated by Engravings and a Plan Of the City, by G.N. Wright A.M., page 143.
- Discussion of The Wide Streets Commissioners in Dublin, A cultural History by James Higgins, Siobhán Marie Kilfeather
- Dublin City Council's page on Mountjoy Square
- A website of photographs of Mountjoy Square by Pat Luskin
- Archiseek tour of Dublin, Mountjoy Square.
- Sunday Times article on Mountjoy Square, May 2010, featuring JP Donleavy, Shane MacGowan, Tim Pat Coogan
- Dublin City Council Development Plan Variations: Mountjoy Square Architectural Conservation Area Document (https://web.archive.org/web/20121126234346/http://www.dublincity.ie/Planning/DublinCityDevelopmentPlan/Documents/MountjoySquareACADocumentAdopted.pdf)
- A photo of Mountjoy Square in 1967 taken by Evelyn Hofer
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