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Office of the Director - Publications and Resources

Web, print, and other resources for partners and the public

CDC’s Surveillance Strategy Publications

CDC’s Surveillance Strategy is a call to action to improve the needed infrastructure to modernize public health surveillance systems. The Office of Public Health Scientific Services is leading this work, beginning with the creation of a Strategic Plan, overseen by an agency-wide leadership board. Learn more about the strategy by reading resources below.

NOW ONLINE! Syndromic Surveillance: The Value of Real-time Data for Public Health Action

A newly published supplemental issue of Public Health Reports  advances the science and practice of syndromic surveillance. This compilation of 18+ articles promotes the value of syndromic surveillance under different circumstances—from all-hazards surveillance to targeted characterization of health events and surveillance of mass gatherings.

Learn how telephone triage is being used for influenza surveillance, how syndromic surveillance is being used to monitor drug-related issues, respond to opioid and heroin overdose, evaluate reporting of potential rabies exposure, and more. Get lessons learned and practical advice from experts who are using syndromic surveillance in innovative ways now. Plus, get a glimpse into the future by learning how syndromic surveillance is used internationally and by reading the Research Agenda for syndromic surveillance.

Read Online

Select CDC Publications

Additional Resources for CDC’s Surveillance Strategy

Key Websites and Links

Conferences, Presentations and Abstracts

Multimedia: Conversations with CDC Surveillance Experts

Public Health Scientific Services Resources

The office works across CDC to foster collaboration and lead cross-cutting priorities. In many instances we begin projects in tandem with other offices that are later led by other parts of CDC. Learn more about us and some of our innovative projects.

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Data Visualization

  • Integrated Surveillance Portal is an interactive resource for CDC and the public to discover and explore CDC’s surveillance systems, programs, registries, health surveys, and tools. The portal contains descriptive information about these resources and describes the relationships between them. NOTE: Data in the system is incomplete and not fully validated.