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Global Migration and Quarantine (DGMQ)

image of  a woman from the CDC using a Jacob’s ladder to conduct an offshore boarding of a vessel with US Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection partners. A boat with two more people is seen in the background Focus: To protect the health of our communities in a globally mobile world by preventing the introduction, transmission, and spread of communicable diseases.

Some key activities:

  • Provides guidelines and oversight for medical screening and treatment to improve the health of immigrants and refugees.
  • Partner for health at airports, seaports, and land borders to detect and respond to diseases related to travel and imported pathogens.
  • Provide vital health information to help international travelers stay healthy before, during, and after their trips.
  • Promote the safe importation of animals and cargo.
  • Respond to global public health emergencies to slow the introduction and spread of illness to US communities—for example, cholera in Haiti, the radiation disaster in Japan, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and Ebola in West Africa.

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