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  ------=_NextPart_01CB649E.DC260280 Content-Location: file:///C:/7809C638/Diff_2009_2008_files/sheet001.htm Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
Differ= ence^ in Estimated Vaccination Coverage with Individual Vaccines and Selected Vaccination Series       &nbs;= p;       
Among = Children 19-35 Months of Age by State and Local Area
US, Na= tional Immunization Survey, (Q1/2009-Q4/2009) - (Q1/2008-Q4/2008)*
3+Polio 1+MMR§ 3+Hib 3+HepB** HepB Birth Dose††= 1+Var‡‡ 3+PCV§§ 4+PCV¶¶ HepA*** 4:3:1††† 4:3:1:0:3:1:4‡‡ US National¥ -0.7±1.4 -0.8±1.0 -2.1±1.1 -7.2±1.2 -1.1±1.0 5.5±1.8 -1.1±1.1 -0.2±1.0 0.3±1.5 6.2±1.9 -1.0±1.5 -0.1±1.7 Alabama 2.2±8.2 4.5±4.6 1.8±4.8 -1.9±6.6 1.9±5.9 1.5±9.1 0.5±5.5 4.4±5.3 -3.0±11.1 9.7±10.0 2.3±8.3 -5.2±11.0 Alaska -4.8±9.1 -0.2±5.8 -3.2±7.7 -5.6±7.0 -0.9±5.4 0.9±10.3 -1.8±9.5 0.1±5.7 -4.4±9.5 -2.8±11.0 -6.5±9.5 -7.5±11.0 Arizona -0.9±7.4 0.7±5.4 -1.4±5.7 -6.1±6.0 -5.2±5.2 -3.8±7.5 -1.9±6.0 1.7±5.8 -1.3±8.3 3.8±9.8 -2.8±7.7 -4.7±9.2 Arkansas -8.3±8.8 -1.7±5.8 -10.4±7.2 -11.0±8.0 -4.6±5.0 -3.1±9.4 -5.0±7.5 -3.8±6.0 -5.5±9.2 2.7±8.0 -9.5±8.8 -5.2±9.7 California -3.5±5.8 -3.9±4.0 -2.9±4.7 -7.4±4.8 -4.4±4.5 13.5±8.0 -2.0±4.6 -2.8±3.9 -3.2±6.4 3.4±8.1 -2.3±6.1 0.2±7.2    CA-Los Angeles County -0.7±7.2 -5.3±5.8 -2.2±6.5 -3.5±5.6 -4.3±5.4 19.1±10.1 -0.3±5.6 -3.8±5.4 -0.8±8.5 -0.9±10.2 -0.4±8.0 4.1±9.2    CA-Rest of State -4.5±7.5 -3.3±5.1 -3.2±5.9 -8.9±6.3 -4.4±5.8 11.4±10.3 -2.6±6.0 -2.5±5.0 -4.1±8.2 4.9±10.4 -3.0±7.9 -1.2±9.3 Colorado -4.7±9.0 -6.2±6.5 -8.7±8.8 -7.5±9.5 -8.9±7.1 3.8±12.5 -6.9±8.5 -7.2±7.9 -5.1±10.0 -3.5±12.4 -7.0±9.7 -11.2±10.9 Connecticut -0.7±7.5 -2.9±3.3 -1.6±4.5 -23.9±11.5 0.3±2.1 -16.4±12.0 -1.1±6.2 0.9±1.9 -0.8±6.6 8.1±12.4 -2.3±7.9 -2.9±9.8 Delaware 2.5±7.9 1.0±6.0 -2.9±6.1 -7.9±7.6 -6.6±5.5 4.2±10.3 -3.4±4.9 1.9±5.3 1.8±8.6 7.6±10.2 3.5±8.2 0.8±9.7 District of Columbi= a -0.8±7.8 -0.2±6.6 1.5±6.3 -0.1±6.2 -3.0±6.0 6.2±9.8 2.1±5.7 3.0±5.3 -1.2±9.1 10.7±10.3 -0.7±8.3 -6.2±10.1 Florida 1.8±5.7 -0.2±4.6 -0.5±5.2 -2.7±5.4 -1.3±4.3 7.1±9.5 2.2±5.1 1.1±4.3 0.6±7.5 4.0±9.2 0.0±6.5 -4.2±8.2 Georgia 3.9±8.7 1.2±4.8 -1.4±5.6 -7.5±7.7 0.4±5.0 5.4±9.6 1.0±6.5 1.1±4.8 -2.2±8.3 15.3±10.1 3.9±8.7 2.9±9.6 Hawaii -1.5±9.0 -3.2±6.0 -8.1±6.0 -9.9±7.4 -3.2±7.3 -2.8±10.3 -2.1±6.0 -4.4±5.4 -3.4±8.4 3.5±10.7 -2.7±9.1 -5.2±9.6 Idaho 6.4±8.1 2.9±5.1 2.0±7.2 -13.6±9.6 1.0±5.0 6.3±9.7 3.4±8.1 4.4±5.8 7.7±8.7 -1.4±9.9 8.4±8.5 10.1±9.7 Illinois 1.7±6.1 -0.5±4.2 -2.8±4.8 -4.9±4.4 -0.8±3.3 2.2±7.7 0.5±5.0 1.7±4.9 6.7±6.6 11.8±6.9 0.6±6.3 6.6±7.3    IL-City of Chicago -3.0±8.7 -3.3±6.8 1.3±5.5 0.4±6.2 -0.9±5.0 -5.2±9.2 1.6±5.3 2.1±5.4 8.7±8.1 11.0±9.9 -4.3±8.9 -0.9±9.5    IL-Rest of State 3.3±7.6 0.5±5.2 -4.2±6.1 -6.7±5.5 -0.7±4.1 4.7±9.8 0.1±6.4 1.6±6.3 6.0±8.4 12.1±8.5 2.3±7.9 9.1±9.2 Indiana -5.5±7.4 -3.9±4.7 -1.4±6.7 -6.6±7.1 -4.0±4.3 10.3±9.0 -2.3±6.7 -2.5±5.2 -0.9±8.2 4.0±10.0 -5.8±7.9 -4.9±9.0 Iowa 4.7±7.1 3.7±4.8 1.8±5.8 -13.7±7.5 1.6±4.6 15.4±9.5 5.8±5.9 1.0±5.9 2.2±7.6 9.2±9.6 6.1±7.3 6.4±8.6 Kansas 1.6±7.8 -1.6±5.2 0.5±5.8 -7.0±7.0 -2.8±5.5 4.4±10.2 1.8±6.6 0.7±6.2 -2.1±9.0 6.4±11.1 3.0±8.1 0.6±10.2 Kentucky -1.3±6.7 2.0±4.0 -1.3±5.9 -6.6±7.0 2.4±4.7 2.2±8.0 3.6±6.0 0.9±5.7 -4.4±7.8 4.0±8.6 -2.3±6.9 -3.9±8.5 Louisiana -3.7±6.9 1.0±2.5 0.2±3.9 -4.7±5.8 0.8±3.6 0.7±9.3 0.3±3.7 -1.4±4.1 3.6±8.0 5.6±9.9 -3.6±7.1 1.2±8.7 Maine -3.1±6.1 -3.1±4.7 -0.4±5.3 -21.1±8.2 -0.7±5.3 1.8±8.8 0.3±5.4 -1.4±5.0 -1.8±7.3 2.5±7.2 -4.4±6.7 -0.8±8.5 Maryland -0.1±6.3 -0.3±4.1 -4.8±5.7 -5.5±5.5 1.8±4.4 -0.1±9.7 -0.8±5.7 1.8±4.9 -0.9±8.1 -1.4±10.1 -0.6±6.7 3.0±9.0    MD-City of Baltimore -8.1±7.5 -1.7±5.0 1.0±6.0 -12.3±7.8 -2.7±4.4 3.3±10.0 2.5±6.6 0.7±5.4 -1.6±8.6 9.8±10.0 -5.5±7.9 -1.1±9.3    MD-Rest of State 1.1±7.2 -0.1±4.6 -5.7±6.5 -4.5±6.2 2.4±5.0 -0.6±11.0 -1.3±6.4 2.0±5.6 -0.8±9.2 -2.9±11.5 0.1±7.6 3.6±10.2 Massachusetts 1.7±6.7 -2.4±2.9 -0.7±5.3 -3.7±3.7 -1.7±3.6 -4.3±10.0 -5.1±4.9 -0.7±4.7 -2.1±7.1 7.5±10.3 1.8±7.0 -0.5±8.8 Michigan 4.9±6.4 3.3±3.7 2.8±6.8 -3.8±7.2 1.6±3.8 4.9±8.7 2.2±7.1 3.1±4.3 4.5±7.2 14.1±9.6 3.9±7.5 2.4±9.2 Minnesota -2.6±6.5 -0.6±3.3 1.8±4.6 -16.3±7.6 0.5±3.8 12.4±8.4 -1.0±5.4 3.2±4.0 4.6±7.7 14.0±8.9 -1.7±6.9 0.0±8.5 Mississippi 2.4±6.8 1.1±4.2 2.4±5.3 0.3±7.5 -0.3±3.7 0.7±8.5 -0.5±5.0 4.1±4.5 10.2±7.7 14.0±8.5 1.5±7.0 4.6±8.5 Missouri -3.6±8.1 -4.1±6.9 -2.9±6.4 -9.1±7.7 -1.7±6.5 3.7±9.4 -0.3±6.3 -1.0±7.6 -7.3±9.0 -3.1±9.1 -5.9±8.4 -6.9±9.7 Montana 1.6±8.9 1.1±6.7 1.3±7.1 -12.5±8.9 2.3±6.9 -1.3±9.8 -0.2±8.9 2.0±6.8 2.9±9.2 7.9±9.0 1.8±9.0 2.2±10.1 Nebraska -3.2±7.0 2.0±4.7 1.7±4.6 -9.0±7.9 1.6±4.5 14.4±9.5 -0.2±6.1 1.0±5.4 1.7±8.6 0.5±9.8 -2.5±7.2 -3.4±9.5 Nevada -0.5±8.3 -4.1±6.3 -1.7±6.3 -8.4±7.3 2.7±6.5 6.7±8.8 -3.4±6.8 2.7±7.1 11.5±8.8 3.2±9.8 -1.8±8.5 7.4±9.5 New Hampshire -2.5±6.2 -1.2±4.4 -2.8±4.8 1.4±3.6 -0.1±4.0 -5.3±9.3 -2.2±6.0 0.3±4.5 -0.8±6.9 8.7±9.9 -3.3±6.8 -1.7±8.7 New Jersey 1.5±8.3 3.9±5.7 -3.1±6.1 -7.3±6.4 -1.1±5.8 -5.9±9.2 2.3±6.5 -1.6±5.9 4.8±8.8 5.2±8.4 1.5±8.6 6.7±9.2 New Mexico -4.5±8.0 -1.3±6.0 -1.5±6.0 -8.9±7.2 -1.3±5.9 -1.1±10.2 0.5±6.0 -1.5±5.4 -3.4±7.7 4.7±9.7 -4.4±8.3 -4.4±9.0 New York -0.4±5.2 -1.9±3.5 -2.0±4.0 -6.4±4.6 -0.8±3.9 14.3±7.2 0.6±4.6 1.2±3.5 -0.1±5.7 1.7±6.9 -0.3±5.5 -0.4±6.6    NY-City of New York -0.3±7.2 -1.0±4.7 -1.5±5.4 -3.0±6.3 -1.8±5.7 5.4±10.3 0.6±5.9 1.5±5.6 -1.0±8.4 -1.4±9.9 -0.3±7.6 -2.2±9.4    NY-Rest of State -0.6±7.6 -2.6±5.2 -2.4±5.8 -9.5±6.7 0.2±5.3 22.8±10.0 0.7±6.9 0.9±4.3 0.9±7.6 4.6±9.6 -0.2±7.9 1.3±9.4 North Carolina 1.8±8.0 -1.7±5.1 0.6±5.4 -21.0±9.2 0.3±5.2 4.4±9.2 -0.4±5.5 -2.9±5.4 1.4±8.3 11.8±9.8 1.5±8.3 6.8±9.2 North Dakota 4.4±7.7 1.4±3.8 3.9±5.0 -20.1±8.4 1.2±3.6 6.4±8.4 8.6±5.8 4.7±4.8 3.1±7.8 17.9±9.5 5.0±7.8 7.3±8.7 Ohio -2.9±7.7 -3.9±3.8 -4.5±5.2 -7.4±6.7 -1.4±6.2 -1.1±10.0 -6.2±5.5 -1.8±4.1 3.5±8.3 10.6±9.8 -3.8±8.0 0.7±9.0 Oklahoma 5.1±8.4 5.0±6.3 1.9±5.0 -4.7±8.0 3.5±5.9 4.5±9.3 1.1±5.5 5.6±7.0 8.2±9.7 9.4±9.6 4.6±8.5 8.9±10.0 Oregon 2.4±8.5 -2.7±5.1 -3.9±5.8 -7.5±8.0 -3.8±5.6 17.6±10.3 -4.1±6.1 -1.2±6.8 2.5±8.8 9.2±10.1 -1.2±8.7 -0.1±9.7 Pennsylvania -7.3±6.5 -5.6±5.6 -2.9±5.3 -6.7±5.7 -0.2±5.0 2.1±8.0 -4.7±5.4 -2.0±5.0 -1.2±6.5 0.3±8.3 -6.4±7.1 -4.0±8.0    PA-Philadelphia County 0.3±6.8 -2.0±4.0 -2.3±5.2 -6.9±5.3 -7.6±4.9 -2.8±8.7 -2.3±4.8 2.2±4.8 -2.1±8.0 0.6±9.2 0.6±7.0 -3.0±8.8    PA-Rest of State -8.7±7.6 -6.2±6.5 -3.0±6.2 -6.7±6.7 1.1±5.8 3.0±9.3 -5.2±6.4 -2.8±5.9 -1.0±7.5 0.3±9.7 -7.7±8.3 -4.1±9.3 Rhode Island -6.2±7.9 -0.6±4.4 -2.9±5.5 -28.8±8.7 1.8±2.6 0.1±10.2 0.0±5.3 0.3±4.4 -0.3±9.1 -1.9±11.0 -7.6±8.4 -4.2±10.4 South Carolina -2.9±7.5 1.8±4.0 -1.6±6.7 -11.2±6.9 1.2±3.4 -0.3±9.6 -0.9±6.5 2.9±4.4 -0.8±8.2 6.5±9.3 -1.6±7.7 -2.6±8.8 South Dakota -1.9±7.5 1.7±4.5 -0.9±4.7 1.1±5.6 1.3±4.4 12.6±9.8 -2.8±5.9 2.2±4.5 7.5±8.4 15.5±9.2 -1.2±7.8 6.0±9.3 Tennessee 1.2±5.9 1.9±4.0 -0.8±4.0 -5.3±5.4 4.0±5.1 13.8±9.0 0.2±4.9 1.8±3.8 -4.6±7.0 -0.6±9.7 -0.5±6.2 -3.3±8.3 Texas -0.9±6.2 0.1±4.4 -5.2±4.1 -3.8±4.9 -0.9±4.3 3.2±7.3 -2.0±3.8 -0.5±3.9 1.5±6.6 6.0±7.9 -1.3±6.3 -0.9±7.3    TX-Bexar County -0.4±8.9 -3.2±6.6 -5.2±6.8 -3.3±6.6 -4.7±5.7 -4.9±10.2 -6.3±6.0 -1.0±6.9 -8.0±9.2 0.0±11.0 -1.8±9.3 -6.4±10.3    TX-City of Houston -2.3±8.7 -5.4±6.6 -3.9±6.5 -6.5±7.1 -2.2±6.3 1.0±10.6 -2.0±6.8 -6.7±6.1 -1.3±9.2 6.5±10.8 -2.7±9.1 1.4±10.1    TX-Dallas County -2.9±9.1 0.6±6.6 -6.5±7.3 -1.0±6.4 2.5±6.9 2.3±9.4 -1.2±7.0 0.1±7.1 1.1±9.2 -0.4±10.7 -1.4±9.2 0.7±10.1    TX-El Paso County -3.6±7.3 -2.1±4.5 -5.9±5.2 -5.4±4.5 -2.7±4.0 -12.9±7.4 -4.1±5.1 -1.6±4.8 -4.5±7.8 -6.8±8.8 -3.5±7.5 -3.4±8.5    TX-Rest of State -0.2±9.0 1.5±6.5 -5.2±5.8 -3.8±7.2 -0.7±6.2 5.5±10.7 -1.5±5.3 0.7±5.6 3.4±9.7 8.2±11.6 -0.9±9.2 -1.0±10.7 Utah 2.4±8.6 1.1±7.4 0.5±6.3 -7.2±7.4 -0.4±6.2 -0.8±9.0 -7.0±7.0 2.8±7.3 2.9±9.6 9.7±10.9 2.1±8.9 2.9±10.7 Vermont 3.5±7.4 1.4±5.2 3.8±5.6 -1.2±5.9 -0.6±5.0 3.7±8.1 5.6±7.6 1.5±6.0 -3.2±7.3 10.6±9.1 2.6±7.9 -2.2±9.2 Virginia -1.1±10.8 -0.6±7.4 -6.5±8.5 -11.5±9.2 -0.3±6.5 18.6±11.8 -6.3±8.5 -4.2±6.6 -5.4±10.7 3.5±11.0 0.9±11.0 0.3±11.7 Washington -0.4±6.6 4.2±4.9 -0.4±4.6 3.1±4.8 -0.2±5.3 -2.5±7.6 -1.4±5.9 2.7±4.7 5.0±6.9 16.3±8.2 -1.2±6.8 -2.8±8.4    WA-Eastern/Western WA -8.5±7.7 0.4±5.7 -1.9±5.9 -1.8±5.5 -1.3±5.8 1.2±8.8 -4.7±7.0 -2.3±5.9 -5.2±8.3 9.5±9.0 -7.9±7.9 -7.3±9.1    WA-Rest of State 3.1±8.8 5.8±6.6 0.3±6.1 5.2±6.4 0.4±7.2 -4.1±10.2 0.1±7.9 4.9±6.2 9.4±9.2 19.2±11.1 1.7±9.1 -0.8±11.4 West Virginia -6.0±8.9 -5.9±6.7 0.9±7.6 -11.8±7.3 -7.8±6.1 -1.6±10.9 -2.4±7.6 -5.7±7.4 2.0±10.3 16.9±10.2 -6.3±9.2 -4.0±10.8 Wisconsin 0.7±7.1 1.6±4.7 0.1±4.7 -19.3±8.3 0.3±4.7 7.3±10.0 1.7±6.6 0.4±5.5 2.0±7.5 15.3±9.7 -0.1±7.1 -0.5±9.1 Wyoming 7.6±8.0 4.5±4.7 3.7±5.6 -3.0±8.0 3.8±4.9 -2.3±9.3 2.4±6.4 4.9±5.7 13.1±8.0 4.0±8.7 8.7±8.1 10.7±9.2 ^ Difference over a one year time period from Q1/2008-Q4/2008 to Q1/2009-Q4/2009. * Children in the Q1/2009-Q4/2009 National Immunization Survey were born between January 2006 and July 2008.   Children in the Q1/2008-Q4/2008 National Immunization Survey were born between January 2005 and July 2007= .   4 or= more doses of any diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccines includ= ing diphtheria and tetanus toxoids, and any acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP/DTP/DT).   3 or= more doses of any poliovirus vaccine. §  1 or= more doses of measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.   3 or= more doses of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine of any type. ** 3 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccine. †† H= ep B vaccine administered between birth and age 3 days. ‡‡ 1 or more doses of varicella at or after chil= d's first birthday, unadjusted for history of varicella illness. §§ 3 o= r more doses of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. ¶¶   4 or more doses of PCV. *** >2 doses of hepatitis A vaccine and measured among children aged 19-35 month= s. ††† Series includes 4 or more doses of DTaP, 3 or more doses of poliovirus vaccine, and 1 or more doses of MMR. ‡‡‡ Series includes 4:3:1 plus 3 or more doses of Hep B vacc= ine, 1 or more doses of varicella vaccine and 4 or more doses of PCV.  Hib vaccine is excluded.<= /td> ¥ US National estimates include the 50 States plus the District of Columbia, and exclude the U.S. Virgin Islands. Note: Entries are  % ± 95% Confidence Interval. Bolded entries represent a statistical significant change at the 0.05 level for differences in estimated vaccination coverage between Q1/2009-Q4/2009 and Q1/2008-Q4/2008.  ------=_NextPart_01CB649E.DC260280 Content-Location: file:///C:/7809C638/Diff_2009_2008_files/filelist.xml Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8" ------=_NextPart_01CB649E.DC260280--