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Reducing Winch Entanglements with Auxiliary-stop Device

December 2015
Reducing Winch Entanglements with Auxiliary-stop Device - DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2016-105

	Image of first page of NIOSH Publication Number 2016-105

From 2000-2011 there were 35 severe work-related injuries, including 8 fatalities, caused by deck winches on shrimp boats in the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the injuries and fatalities involved entanglements in the “try-net” winch used by shrimp boats in this fishery. NIOSH is developing an Auxiliary Stop switch system for the electric-driven try-net winches used on shrimp boats in the Gulf of Mexico. This fact sheet discusses the work conducted to date and invites additional shrimp fishermen to participate in the research study.

For information on reducing winch entanglements with stationary guarding please read, Reducing Winch Entanglements with Stationary Guarding - NIOSH publication 2016-104.

Additional Information

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. DHHS, (NIOSH) Publication No. 2015-238.1Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Fatal and Nonfatal Injuries Involving Fishing Vessel Winches —Southern Shrimp Fleet, United States, 2000–2011. MMWR 2013;62:157-160.
