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Are You a Teen Worker?

August 2011
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication Number 2011-184

Note: This publication has been superceded by 2012-130

cover of 2011-184

You’re earning your own money. You’re making new friends. You’re learning new things and becoming independent. Work can be a fun, rewarding, and an exciting part of your life. But did you know that your job could harm you?

Every 9 minutes, a U.S. teen gets hurt on the job. These teens are young people like Emily, who was working alone at a sandwich shop when a robber with a gun attacked her. And they’re like Joe, a construction helper who was electrocuted on his job.

This guide gives you the facts you need to stay safe and healthy at work. It also shows you what jobs you can (and can’t do), and it teaches you about your rights and responsibilities as a young worker.
