Task 2a: How to Generate Population Counts in SUDAAN

In this example, you will use SUDAAN to combine age subgroups and generate population estimates for high blood pressure (HBP) by sex and race/ethnicity for persons 20 years and older.  The method outlined in this module uses a SAS data file with CPS population totals. The process for combining subgroups and calculating population estimates is then automated using the code outlined below. 

Alternatively, you can use the CPS population totals located on the respective survey cycle NHANES web page (referred to in Key Concepts), plus the results from a proc descript or proc crosstab procedure and manually calculate population estimates within a spreadsheet.  If you choose this option, you will need to define the age, race/ethnicity and gender subgroups of interest and calculate population totals within the spreadsheet on your own.


Step 1: Calculate Prevalence of the Health Condition of Interest

The proc descript procedure in SUDAAN and additional SAS code will be used to generate population estimates using the 3-step process outlined below. 

In Step 1 of this method you will calculate the prevalence of the health condition of interest (i.e., HBP) by each sub-domain of interest (i.e., sex and race/ethnicity) using the  proc descript procedure.  You will need to use appropriate weights, especially when combining across survey cycles.


The health outcome must be coded as a dichotomous variable (0, 100) for absence (0) or presence (100) of the health condition of interest. (HBPX).

