Task 1a: How to Generate Age-Adjusted Prevalence Rates and Means in SUDAAN

In this example, you will generate age-adjusted prevalence rates and standard errors for high blood pressure (HBP) by sex and race in persons 20 years and older. An optional second example is available demonstrating how to generate age-adjusted means and standard errors for Body Mass Index (BMI) by sex and race/ethnicity for persons 20 years and older.

To calculate age-adjusted prevalence rates, you will need to know the age standardizing proportions that you want to use, and then apply them to the populations under comparison. This is called the direct method for age standardization. Typically, Census data are used as the standard population structure.  For age standardization in NHANES, NCHS recommends using the 2000 Census population.  A spreadsheet with the year 2000 U.S. population structure by age is attached below.  Calculate the standard age proportions by dividing the age-specific Census population (P) by the total Census population number (T). The standardizing proportions (P/T) should sum to 1 (see the table below for the standard age proportions used in this module.)



For your convenience, standard proportions for different NHANES population age groupings are provided in the Excel spreadsheet attached below. This file uses the 2000 Census as the standard population.  The adjustment factors were calculated for four age groupings:

  1. all ages,
  2. ages 6 years and older,
  3. ages 20 years and older using 10 year age intervals, and
  4. for the blood pressure example in this module, for ages 20 years and older using 20 year age intervals.

For other age groupings, you can combine the smaller age groups provided in order to reflect the age and subpopulation you are using in your analysis.


Standard Proportions for NHANES Population Groupings link: ageadjtwt.xls


Example of How to Calculate Standard Age Proportions


Here is an example of how to calculate the standard age proportions by dividing the age-specific Census population (P) by the total Census population number (T). The standardizing proportions should sum to 1.

Census Population
(in thousands)
Standard Proportions for 20-year Age Groups Based on the 2000 U.S. Census Standard Population
Age Group