Task 1: Key Concepts About the NHANES Survey Design

The NHANES sample is designed to be nationally representative of the civilian, non-institutionalized U.S. population, in that it does not include persons residing in nursing homes, institutionalized persons, or U.S. nationals living abroad. Thus, for NHANES 1999-2010, each year's sample and any combination of samples from consecutive years comprise a nationally representative sample of the resident, non-institutionalized U.S. population.

In order to have sufficient sample sizes to obtain stable estimates for population subgroups of common interest, NHANES data are released in 2-year cycles.  Just as each year's sample is representative of the resident, non-institutionalized U.S. population, the same is true for these 2-year cycles of data.


Sampling Design

NHANES data are not obtained using a simple random sample.  Rather, a complex, multistage, probability sampling design is used to select participants.  The NHANES sampling procedure consists of 4 stages, shown and described below.

Four Stages of NHANES Sampling Procedures

diagram showing flow of selection from Counties to Segments to Households to Individuals