Text Box: Action Levels for Lead
Lead in paint. Differing methods report results in differing units. Lead is considered a potential hazard if above the following levels, but can be a hazard at lower levels if improperly handled. Below are the current action levels identified by HUD[62] and EPA (40 CFR Part 745):
Lab analysis of samples: 
5,000 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) or 5,000 parts per million (ppm) 
0.5% lead by weight. 
X-ray fluorescence: 
1 milligram per square centimeter (mg/cm2)
Lead in dust: 
Floors, 40 micrograms per cubic foot (mg/ft2)
Window sills, 250 mg/ft2 
Window troughs, 400 mg/ft2 (clearance only)
Lead in soil: 
High-contact bare play areas: 400 ppm 
Other yard areas: 1,200 ppm

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