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Home > Smallpox Report > Vaccination Status by State

Smallpox Vaccination Program Status by State

State-by-state vaccination numbers and adverse events numbers will be updated monthly. These statistics reflect activity through October 31, 2005.

State/Program # of Individuals Vaccinated, COB 10/31/05 TOTAL   State/Program # of Individuals Vaccinated, COB 10/31/05 TOTAL
Alabama 503   Alaska 96
American Samoa 0   Arizona 39
Arkansas 1,138   California 1,611
Chicago 71   Colorado 224
Connecticut 704   Delaware 109
District of Columbia 105   Florida 4,041
Georgia 175   Guam 0
Hawaii 181   Idaho 200
Illinois 305   Indiana 765
Iowa 492   Kansas 448
Kentucky 848   Los Angeles 243
Louisiana 1,107   Maine 63
Marshall Islands 0   Maryland 752
Massachusetts 188   Michigan 925
Micronesia 0   Minnesota 1,476
Mississippi 403   Missouri 1,253
Montana 144   Nebraska 1,470
Nevada 17   New Hampshire 331
New Jersey 671   New Mexico 238
New York 825   New York City 342
North Carolina 1,312   North Dakota 415
No. Mariana Islands 0   Ohio 1,921
Oklahoma 376   Oregon 115
Palau 0   Pennsylvania 308
Puerto Rico 29   Rhode Island 36
South Carolina 998   South Dakota 737
Tennessee 2,429   Texas 4,632
Utah 288   Vermont 130
Virgin Islands 0   Virginia 914
Washington 554   West Virginia 734
Wisconsin 763   Wyoming 414
Total # of Individuals Vaccinated COB 10/31/05 39,608

For more information, visit this CDC smallpox web site.

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This page last updated November 8, 2005

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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