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Home > Smallpox Report > Vaccine Doses Shipped and Released

Smallpox Vaccination Program
Vaccine Doses Shipped and Released for Use

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has begun distributing smallpox vaccine to state and local governments that will coordinate the vaccination of smallpox response teams. The teams are part of the nation's voluntary vaccination program to protect Americans from the potential threat of a terrorist attack involving the release of the smallpox virus. Several months of detailed planning and training, and the development of scientifically sound and informative educational materials have prepared us for the safe and rapid implementation of the plan to vaccinate those healthcare professionals who would be on the front lines in the event of a smallpox attack.

State/Program # of Vaccine Doses Released, COB 10/31/05   State/Program # of Vaccine Doses Released, COB 10/31/05
Alabama 10,000   Alaska 300
American Samoa 0   Arizona 500
Arkansas 11,000   California 10,100
Chicago 4,200   Colorado 1,800
Connecticut 6,500   Delaware 700
District of Columbia 5,000   Florida 24,000
Georgia 900   Guam 0
Hawaii 4,500   Idaho 1,000
Illinois 10,000   Indiana 2,900
Iowa 1,000   Kansas 3,000
Kentucky 4,200   Los Angeles 9,200
Louisiana 10,000   Maine 3,000
Marshall Islands 0   Maryland 6,000
Massachusetts 1,500   Michigan 6,700
Micronesia 0   Minnesota 4,500
Mississippi 5,600   Missouri 5,000
Montana 1,000   Nebraska 4,000
Nevada 1,500   New Hampshire 3,000
New Jersey 6,500   New Mexico 5,000
New York 8,000   New York City 3,500
North Carolina 7,500   North Dakota 2,000
No. Mariana Islands 0   Ohio 6,500
Oklahoma 700   Oregon 400
Palau 200   Pennsylvania 10,000
Puerto Rico 100   Rhode Island 1,200
South Carolina 7,800   South Dakota 4,300
Tennessee 10,000   Texas 30,000
Utah 1,500   Vermont 2,000
Virgin Islands 0   Virginia 10,000
Washington 4,000   West Virginia 2,500
Wisconsin 2,500   Wyoming 2,600
Total # of Vaccine Doses RELEASED, COB 10/31/05 291,400

As of October 31, 2005, the total number of vaccine doses shipped and released for use is 291,400. Vaccine is shipped in accordance with state smallpox plans.

For more information, visit this CDC smallpox web site.

Vaccine shipment numbers are updated monthly.

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This page last updated November 8, 2005

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
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Division of Media Relations