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Ideas for a Healthier, Safer Summer

This summer is a great opportunity for everyone to think about simple ways to start being more active, eating better and creating a healthy lifestyle that can last a lifetime. Here are some ideas from CDC to get everyone ready for a healthy and safe summer that can help reduce the risks for developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Protect Yourself from the Sun!
Illustration of protection from the sun and heat, including use of an umbrella, having a cool drink and using sunscreen.
Exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays appears to be the most important environmental factor involved in the development of skin cancer. Summer time can mean more time in the sun and more need to protect yourself from exposure to the sun’s rays.
Ideas for how to protect yourself from the sun begins with learning more about skin cancer.

Sun protection should be more than just putting on sunscreen. These resources from CDC provide ideas for actions that everyone can take to protect their skin from sun exposure.

Swim Safely!
Choose areas with lifeguards, use personal floatation devices (life jackets), limit alcohol consumption, take advantage of local swimming lessons and get CPR certified. Illustration of a lifeguard watching the beach.
Boat Safe!
Illustration of people using life jackets when boating.
Boat smart and wear your life jacket!


This Fourth of July, leave fireworks displays to trained professionals! Illustration of people watching a fireworks display.
Motor Vehicle Safety!
Illustration of using proper child restraint. Going on a road trip this summer? Be sure to practice motor vehicle safety! Wear your safety belt. Use proper child restraints. Don’t drink and drive. Slow down. Watch out for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Get Active!
For young people: Summer is a great opportunity for children and youth to explore new ways of being active.
  • CDC’s VERB campaign encourages young people ages 9-13 (tweens) to be physically active every day.
Illustration of active people.
Young people can visit the VERB website and use this VERB journal to keep track of their summer activity fun.

For older adults: Older adults need to be active, too. These resources are good for helping everyone be active no matter what their age.

  • Strength training for older adults can be an important part of staying active and healthy.

For everyone: Summer is a good time for everyone to think about how to be more physically active.

  • Everyone can overcome barriers that prevent physical activity and this fact sheet gives some tips for helping people making physical activity a part of their lives.
  • Be creative about the kinds of physical activity you can do. CDC’s National Diabetes Education Program has developed a dance CD to make activity fun.
  • During your physical activity, whether it is walking, hiking, softball, etc., drink plenty of water throughout the day to replace lost fluids (i.e., at least eight to ten 8-oz. cups per day). Drink a glass of water before you get moving, and drink another half cup every 15 minutes that you remain active.
Eat Healthy!
Illustration of a bowl of various fruits. Summer is a good time for people to take advantage of all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are available. CDC’s 5-A-Day resources and information can help everyone enjoy a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. There are a variety of recipes that can provide suggestions on how to include fruits and vegetables to your meal plan every day.

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This page last updated June 18, 2004

United States Department of Health and Human Services
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