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CDC began working in Lao PDR in 2006. In 2010, the National Center for Laboratory and Epidemiology (NCLE) was designated as a National Influenza Center (NIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO). Over the past 10 years, Lao PDR has continued to develop and improve their capacity building beyond influenza in support of the International Health Regulations. There has been a significant strengthening of engagement to include technical assistance in HIV/AIDS prevention and control and expanded maternal and child health immunization coverage.

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CDC assigned staff only
0 U.S. Assignees
1 Contractor
3 Locally Employed

Laos at a Glance

Population: 6,520,9001
Per capita income: $2,2002
Life expectancy at birth women/men: 69/64 yrs2
Under 5 mortality: 59/1000 live births2
Source: 1 Population Reference Bureau, 2012, 2 Population Reference Bureau, 2012

Top 10 Causes of Death

Source: http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/country-health-profile/laos
  1. Influenza and pneumonia 13%
  2. Coronary heart disease 11%
  3. Stroke 10%
  4. Dengue 9%
  5. Diarrheal disease 5%
  6. Liver cancer 5%
  7. Birth trauma 4%
  8. Low birth weight 4%
  9. Road traffic accidents 3%
  10. Other injuries 3%

What CDC Is Doing

  • Investments in influenza laboratory detection, surveillance, and outbreak response capabilities have led to Lao PDR being designated a WHO National Influenza Center and to vaccine introduction.
  • Lao PDR’s one-year FET program is a model for other countries where ministries of health have limited staff available to participate in a typical two-year FET program.
  • CDC is working with Lao PDR on rabies prevention and control activities. Activities include a dog registration and vaccination campaign.
  • Page last reviewed: October 2, 2015
  • Page last updated: October 2, 2015
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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