CDC Programs in El Salvador

CDC has collaborated with public health institutions in Central America since the 1960s. Through these alliances, CDC has been able to address the region’s priority challenges from malaria to flu. These alliances have increased from a single field station in El Salvador to a regional office in Guatemala. CDC’s current programs include HIV/AIDS, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), and the Influenza Preparedness, Detection, and Response program.

Download Overview Fact Sheet


CDC office (physical presence)
No U.S. Assignees
1 Locally Employed

iconEl Salvador at a Glance

Population: 6,227,500
Per capita income: $6,420
Life expectancy at birth women/men: 77/67 yrs
Infant mortality rate: 20/1000 live births
Source: Population Reference Bureau World Population Data Sheet, 2011

iconTop 10 Causes of Death

Source: El Salvador MOH, 2011
  1. Ischaemic heart disease
  2. Stroke
  3. Liver diseases
  4. Other heart diseases
  5. Head trauma
  6. Diabetes
  7. Pneumonia
  8. Genitourinary system diseases
  9. Perinatal diseases
  10. Gastrointestinal diseases

What CDC Is Doing

women in classroom
  • The Director of Epidemiology of the MoH is one of the first graduates of the Central America FETP
  • Conducted an HIV behavioral surveillance study to determine the prevalence of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections among most-at-risk populations
  • Based on surveillance studies of the burden of influenza and the seasonality and effectiveness of influenza vaccine, the MoH increased the use and coverage of influenza vaccine in 2011

CDC Zika Updates


  • Page last reviewed: December 6, 2013
  • Page last updated: December 6, 2013
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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