CDC Works in Costa Rica
map of Costa Rica

CDC has collaborated with public health institutions in Central America since the 1960s. Through these partnerships CDC has been able to address Costa Rica’s priority public health challenges from malaria to flu. CDC’s work in Costa Rica includes HIV/AIDS, the Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP), and the International Emerging Infections Program.

Download Overview Fact Sheet

iconCosta Rica at a Glance

Population: 4,726,600
Per capita income: $10,930
Life expectancy at birth women/men: 82/77 yrs
Infant mortality rate: 8.8/1000 live
Source: Population Reference Bureau World Population Data Sheet, 2011

iconTop 10 Causes of Death

Source: GBD Compare 2010, 2010
  1. Cancer 20%
  2. Ischemic Heart Disease 16%
  3. Stroke 7%
  4. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 5%
  5. Chronic Kidney Disease 4%
  6. Road Injuries 4%
  7. Cirrhosis 4%
  8. Lower Respiratory Infections 3%
  9. Diabetes 3%
  10. Interpersonal Violence 2%

What CDC Is Doing

CDC in Costa RicaWith our partners:

  • Increase capacity in the region to test for dengue virus with novel and recently approved techniques
  • 28 health care workers were accredited by the Center for Strategic Development and Health Information and Social Security to be part of the sentinel surveillance network for influenza and other respiratory viruses
  • Implemented real-time multiplex technology for the diagnosis of influenza and other respiratory viruses at the National Children’s Hospital in Costa Rica for research use
  • Since 2002, over 250 persons from 8 countries have received training on data collection

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  • Page last reviewed: May 15, 2017
  • Page last updated: May 15, 2017
  • Content source:

    Global Health
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