WHO/NREVSS Collaborating Laboratories
2012 - 2013 Season
Week A(H1) A(2009 H1N1) A(H3) A(unable to sub-type) A(Subtyping not performed) B Total # Tested % Positive
40 0 3 71 0 10 79 4343 3.75
41 0 7 67 0 25 98 4713 4.18
42 0 4 128 0 47 121 5009 5.99
43 0 3 148 0 49 139 4913 6.9
44 0 4 180 0 73 151 5148 7.93
45 0 5 269 0 114 231 6136 10.09
46 0 8 365 0 211 265 6363 13.37
47 0 7 570 0 408 361 7091 19.02
48 0 17 967 0 532 497 8859 22.73
49 0 35 1702 0 979 677 11415 29.72
50 0 45 2516 0 1142 820 13823 32.72
51 0 47 3394 0 1252 1096 15520 37.3
52 0 60 3534 0 1550 1135 16692 37.63
01 0 68 3429 0 1643 1059 17422 35.58
02 0 68 3031 0 1492 825 16686 32.46
03 0 57 1579 0 879 614 11984 26.11

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