Asian Medical Institute, Kyrgyzstan

The Asian Medical Institute is located in city Kant, Kyrgyzstan, which is 20 km far from country capital Bishkek and 40 km from Manas International Airport. It's well connected with transportation modes, mainly by road.

Asian Medical Institute
MottoScientia potentia est/Knowledge is power!
TypeMedical College
RectorProf. Isaeva Mira Isaevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academic staff
Administrative staff
58, Gagarina Street, Kant, Chui Region, Kyrgyzstan
WebsiteAsian Medical Institute

About Asian Medical Institute

Currently, the Asian Medical Institute has 1800 students from more than 10 countries, including India, Russia, Nepal, Germany, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Nigeria. The medium of instruction at the institute is the English language and the length of study for an MD is 5.8 as well as 5 years.

The college is recognized by Medical Council of India and WHO. This means that Indian students are eligible to sit for screening test after completion of the medical degree here.

The college has a separate hostel for Indian students and separate hostel of boys and girls. Indian food is served to the students at the hostel mess. The hostels are centrally heated and rooms are available on sharing basis. The overall cost of education is very low at Asian Medical Institute. The good quality education along with low fees makes it a favorable college for foreign students. In addition, students can also avail coaching for FMGE( Foreign Medical Graduate Examination, Screening test conducted by Medical Council of India)

Institute Campus

Institute is currently having 3 well operating campuses based in various localities.

1.Asian Medical Institute, Polyclinic: Situated at 58, Gagarina Street, Kant. It is having 3 Boy's Hostels and 1 Girl's Hostel for Indian Students only. A polyclinic having more than 90 rooms for teaching purposes, including simulation center for anatomy and dental surgeries. 1000 seated Mess at the top floor of hostel.

2.AzMI Campus 2/ Kyrgyzskaya MIS: This campus was owned by institute in year 2016. Its is having 60 rooms for educational purposes, 1 500 seated auditorium, and 60 seated conference hall, while whole of 2nd floor is currently having all the administrative offices. Thus is also having library with 9000+ books for medical studies and 20 computers to avail services of online library.

3.AzMI Clinic: This campus was owned by institution in year 2015 having 2 fully equipped lecture halls and 20 rooms for educational purposes. It is situated at Akmatov Street, Alamadin Bazar.


The Asian Medical Institute, Kyrgyzstan is listed in the Avicenna Directory for medicine, faimer[1] and also recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. It received its recognition from the Ministry of Health, Kyrgyzstan Republic to train medical professionals, mostly for foreign countries. ASMI students and graduates are eligible for M.C.I, PM&DC and N.MC screening tests. The Asian Medical Institute Diploma is a recognized qualification in other countries for the purposes of practicing medicine.


  1. "Welcome to the Avicenna Directory for medicine". University of Copenhagen. Archived from the original on 11 November 2010. Retrieved 19 May 2010.
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